Opening Films (3) | International Competition / NETPAC (37) |
Panorama (30) | Focus (22) |
Together (39) | UMFF Project (7) |
Closing Film (1) | Ưº°Àü (24) |
Herian KIM
The dentist is a place where plant pots and classical music are no use to comfort the pain of treatment or to reduce the fear from the machine sounds. This film provides an interesting metaphor about dental implants, a treatment that replaces a decayed tooth with an artificial one. Imagine that trees and mountains are replaced with concrete buildings... You are not the only one who imagines a lot of things on the dental chair. (KIM Se-jin) [Screening Information] -Drive In UMFF (Drive-in Theater) / 10.25.Sun / 10:00(KST) / UMFF Cinema
Herian KIMHerian KIM
1982 Born in Anyang. 2010 Graduated from Kaywon University of Art & Design. She is working at Inki and Herian design studio.