The Eight Mountains
In the summer of 1984, Pietro, an 11-year-old from Turin, came to a village called Grana in the Italian Alps. There Pietro meets Bruno, the last kid remaining in the village and they quickly become friends. 15 years later, One winter night, 31-year-old Pietro receives a call that his father has died. He returns to the mountains and finds Bruno in Grana.
[Felix van Groeningen & Charlotte Vandermeersch, Directors]
We wanted to make an epic film, told in tiny gestures. An ode to the fragility and strength of every single living being, be it a human being, an animal, a plant, or a mountain.
Felix van Groeningen is a Belgian filmmaker who was trained in audiovisual arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Ghent. Charlotte Vandermeersch is an actress, singer, and director. She studied Dramatic Art and was trained in piano and singing.