Marmolada - Madre Roccia
The documentary follows, the adventure of three renowned mountaineers, assisted by a young aspiring climber, on the south face of the Marmolada, the legendary "Regina della Dolomiti". Matteo della Bordella, Maurizio Giordani, Massimo Faletti, and Iris Bielli come together to open a new route, challenging their limits and the dangers of a mountain that has entered the debate on climate change.
[Matteo Maggi & Cristina Pecci, Directors]
The film explores passion, exploration, and environmental awareness, offering a compelling look into the world of mountaineering and the importance of protecting and preserving our mountain ecosystems and the nature that surrounds us.
Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci are a filmmaking duo. While Cristiana focused her studies and her work in Spain on creative documentaries, Matteo moved to Finland specializing his ability in action filmmaking. Since 2011 they have been based in Finland and in Italy working worldwide.